So lately, God has really been working on getting me to be okay with giving up things that I hold dear and really letting him take control of my life. It's crazy. I'm being hit from all sides with this. Not that I'm complaining, but I have a feeling this is a pretty important lesson that I need to get through my thick skull.
Take this for example: at Vertical, Afshin has been going through the book of Jonah. Everyone knows the basic gist of the story: God says "go preach to Nineveh," Jonah runs away, gets eaten by a fish, spit back up, preaches to the city, everyone repents. Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub. Yay God. (Bonus points if you get that reference)
However when you look closely at it, there are a lot of things that seem contradictory to the general direction of that overview. For one, when Jonah preaches and the whole city repents, the king loses it. He immediately gets off his throne and does the whole sackcloth thing (a bible-times way of showing mourning or sadness). Meanwhile Jonah, the dude who successfully reached a whole city with what amounts to five Hebrew words, is juxtaposed to him starkly. He is furious that God doesn't destroy Nineveh, who he sees as the enemy. (After all, it was the capital of Assyria, the nation prophesied to take over Israel one day.) He claims that the reason he ran in the first place was because he knew God wouldn't destroy the city because he is a generous God who "relents from sending calamity."
Now this is clearly selfish and stupid. Jonah is telling God what he did was wrong, but he didn't want to preach and save the lives of some 120,000 people because he didn't like them, and it would make him get outside his comfort zone.
When I really thought about it, it clicked that the whole thing about the book of Jonah is that no matter how hard you try, God still gets what he wants. Always. So why not make it easier?
Add that to the list of other things God has pointed out to me or challenged me with regarding giving up things for the sake of his will. I would enumerate, but I don't have the time or the battery life on my laptop.
And cue the shift...
I don't know about you guys, but I'm soooo ready for spring break. Fall semester is nice cause it has breaks spaced out just right so about the time you get tired of school, you get a day or two off at least. The spring has not been so nice though. I'm about to lose it. I just need to have several days where I don't have to worry about school and I can just hang and relax. It kind of sucks that our spring break doesn't coincide with anyone else's, but I'm pretty sure we'll make a week out of it. I'd say that I have some fun things planned, but the group I'm hanging with hasn't actually decided what we're doing yet.
I'm also quite ready for summer. I'm so excited about being a Line Camp leader, I can't even put it into words. So I won't.
I also think I'm going to start a "Song of the Moment" on my blog. Just to let you guys know the song I can't get tired of at the moment. This time it goes to:
Trouble by Ray LaMontagne

Well I think that's about all for this go 'round. Until next time, keep your pants on straight, but your hats tilted just a little bit to one side.
Can I just take a moment to tell you what an amazing man you are becoming? Can't wait to hear more about hoe God is getting what He wants from you. :)
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